Sueno Hotel Golf Belek

Sueno Hotel Golf Belek

Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
Sueno Hotel Golf Belek
5 Stars

General Information

Sueno Hotels Golf Belek in Belek, Antalya promises you to experience a perfect holiday through all its facilities. Sueno Hotels Golf Belek ishosting one of the widest golf courses of the region does not only present an unmatched experience to golf lovers but also provides all facilities to the ones who do not want to be distant from sea, sand, sun and fun in their holidays. Sueno Golf Club is offering 2 courses of Pines 18 holes and Dunes 18 holes. 

All guests staying at Sueno Hotels Golf Belek can use all areas of Sueno Hotels Deluxe Belek. All services offered free of charge are valid for both facility guests.

Category:5 starsDistance to Airport:35 km
Total rooms:174Distance to city center:3 km
Wi-Fi:Free in all facilityBeach length:200 m
Hotel area: 1.410.000 m²Distance to Beach:400 m

Board Type:Deluxe All Inclusive / Summer and winter concept may change.
Board Information:
07:00-10:00 Breakfast
10:00-11:00 Late Breakfast
12:30-15:00 Lunch
19:00-21:30 Dinner
23:30-01:00 Night Meal
01:00-07:00 Night Snack
12:30-17:00 Snack / Birdie Bar
16:00-18:00 Coffee / Cake time
11:30-17:00 Beach Bar
11:30-17:00 Pancake, snack, beverage
00:00-00:00 Greens Bar (Lobby)
09:00-21:00 Vitamin Bar
10:00-19:00 Beach Bar
10:00-19:00 Pier Bar
Birdie bar is closed between 01.06-31.08.

